COVID-19 Screening Program for Schools and Camps

As schools and colleges and camps reopen from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s clear that fast and accurate testing of students and teachers will play a critical role in ensuring a safe campus. Classrooms, libraries, and cafeterias are just a few of the places where potentially at-risk students come together and viruses can be transmitted. At PMCDx we are here to provide fast and accurate covid-19 testing for your campus.
The tests are performed in a high complexity diagnostic facility and results will be carefully reviewed and signed by an American Board-Certified laboratory director. We use EUA diagnostic test kit for COVID-19. Our method of detection is Nucleic Acid real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) test. The Analytic Specificity of this test is 95% as determined in silico by Primer Blast against the common organisms and flora found frequently in the respiratory tract. The Analytic Sensitivity is 100% above the Limit of Detection of 0.8 copies/ml as determined by a standard curve.
Procedure Logistics:
- Individuals getting tested (or their guardians) will complete a pre-registration form.
- A team from PMCDx will come to your location as often as you desire for collections. We can also ship pre-paid testing kit to your institution overnight.
- We use EUA Diagnostic Kit for SARS-CoV-2 with FDA approved anterior nasal swabs*.
- PMCDx accepts most insurance plans. We have no set up or initial fee.
- We will release the results in less than 24 hours directly via HIPAA compliant electronic portal to school officials and parents.
* Anterior nasal swabs collection is not invasive and pain-free.

Please Provide Information About Your School or College
Someone from the PMDCx team will get back to you within 24 hours