Provide COVID-19 Employee Screening

Is your business planning to reopen? You need a professional COVID-19 employee testing service to thoroughly protect the health of your workers and the local community. COVID-19 employee testing helps mitigate the risk of unknowingly exposing your organization to the coronavirus.
Testing services are in high demand among essential businesses and those opening back up according to local guidelines. PMCDx is a licensed medical laboratory and is listed at The Maryland Department of Health as a Covid-19 testing center. Our attention to detail and commitment to excellence allow us to deliver quality service consistently and cater to your personal medical needs. We have knowledgeable and experienced staff to administer the tests according to the highest clinical operation standards.
The tests are performed in a high complexity diagnostic facility and results will be carefully reviewed and signed by an American Board-Certified laboratory director. We use the ThermoFisher’s EUA diagnostic test kit for COVID-19. Our method of detection is Nucleic Acid real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) test. The Analytic Specificity of this test is 95% as determined in silico by Primer Blast against the common organisms and flora found frequently in the respiratory tract. The Analytic Sensitivity is 100% above the Limit of Detection of 0.8 copies/ml as determined by a standard curve.
Procedure Logistics:
- Employees will complete a pre-registration form.
- A team from PMCDx will come to your location as often as you desire for collections.
- On each collection day, your staff and their families can get tested.
- Our personnel will collect samples from individuals using FDA approved anterior nasal swabs.
- PMCDx accepts most insurances
- We will release the results in 24 hours directly to employees via HIPAA compliant portal.
- If needed, we will create an account for employers to access the official result reports.
* Anterior nasal swabs collection is not invasive and pain-free.

Please Provide Information About Your Company or Organization
Someone from the PMDCx team will get back to you within 48 hours